Published: 02/2025
Kieran BewAccording to 2 sourcesIn the TV show, he’s played by Kieran Bew. He’s also known as Hugh the Hammer, Hard Hugh, and The Betrayer. Article continues after ad HBO Kieran Bew plays Hugh Hammer in House of the DragonHouse of the Dragon SeasoKieran Bew is playing him.Who is Hugh Hammer in HoFeedbackLoadingFeedbackThanks!Tell us moreLet's Chat People also askWho plays Hugh hammer in House of the Dragon Season 2?Among these newcomers is Hugh Hammer, played by Kieran Bew. His brief appearance has sparked the audience’s curiosity about his role and future significance in the Targaryen conflict. Here is everything you need to know about Hugh Hammer and the role he will play in the coming war in House of the Dragon Season 2.House of the Dragon: Who Is Hugh Hammer & Why Is He Important in ..Is Hugh Hammer a key player in the war?'House of the Dragon' is finally teasing Hugh Hammer as a key player in the war. Here's why he could be important. Hugh Hammer (Kieran Bew) and his wife (Ellora Torchia) have a key conversation in the latest "House of the Dragon" episode. Ollie Upton/HBO "House of the Dragon" introduced a major book character in its season two premiere.'House of the Dragon' Keeps Teasing Hugh Hammer — What to Know What happened to Hugh hammer in House of the Dragon?Later on, Hugh is granted a knighthood, but during the First Battle of Tumbleton, he and Ulf White, known as the Two Betrayers, defect to the Greens. Hugh later has ambitions of becoming king, but meets his demise ahead of the Second Battle of Tumbleton, being killed by Ser Jon Roxton. Who is Hugh Hammer's dragon in House of the Dragon?Who is Hugh Hammer in House of the Dragon? Kieran Bew character Why does Hugh hammer keep popping up in 'House of the Dragon'?"House of the Dragon" is finally starting to reveal why Hugh Hammer keeps popping up in almost every episode of season two. Hugh (Kieran Bew) is first introduced in the season premiere when he petitions Aegon II Targaryen (Tom GlynnBinge Watch Your Favorites | Blockbuster Movies & TV ShowsAdStream Stories From All Eras, Including Classics and New Releases At Great Prices. Get Deals and Low Prices On house the dragon At AmazonTypes: Action & Adventure, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Documentary, Drama and moreDevil's Knot MovieBlu-rayView Ratings and ReviewsSee Prices OnlineToday's DealsTV Showshugh hammer house of the dragonshugh hammer season 2hugh hammer targaryenhouse of the dragon season 2MorePeople also search forhugh hammer house of the dragonshugh hammer targaryenhugh hammer season 2house of the dragon season 2 who will play hugh hammer in house of the drhugh hammer house of the dragonshugh hammer season 2hugh hammer targaryenhouse of the dragon season 2PaginationComingSoon.netHouse of the Dragon: Who Is Hugh Hammer & Why Is WEBJun 24, 2024· Here is everything you need to know about Hugh Hammer and the role he will play in the coming war in House of the Dragon Season 2. Who is Hugh Hammer in House of the Dragon Season 2? EpicstreamHugh Hammer: The Role of House of the Dragon’s - EpicstreamWEBJul 16, 2024· Played by Kieran Bew, Hugh was first seen in House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 1, titled A Son for a Son, requesting more funds to build the gigantic dragon-killing crossbows. He was then seen GamesRadar+Hugh Hammer claiming a dragon in House of the Dragon is way WEBJul 30, 2024· House of the Dragon season 2 continues weekly on HBO in the US and Sky and NOW in the UK. For more on the show, check out our deep dives on: House of the Dragon season 2, episodes 1-4 reviewBeebomWho Is Hugh Hammer in HOTD and Who Was His Mother WEBJul 29, 2024· So, in House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7, Rhaenyra called out some potent candidates who would tame the deadly beasts and fight for her cause. Learning about the massive event, several knights, sailors, and bastards showed up, and one among them was Hugh Hammer, who managed to claim Vermithor, one of the largest dragons.YahooHouse of the Dragon: Who Is Hugh Hammer & Why Is He WEBJun 24, 2024· Here is everything you need to know about Hugh Hammer and the role he will play in the coming war in House of the Dragon Season 2. One Piece Chapter 1115 Spoilers Who is Hugh Hammer in House of
StartScreen Rant2 Years Later, HOTD's Vermithor Setup Is Being Paid Off By Secret WEBMar 22, 2024· Among the new confirmed cast members in House of the Dragon season 2 is Kieran Bew, who will portray Hugh Hammer and seems to match the man seen in the trailer. While the character was completely absent from season 1, Hugh will play a substantial role in season 2 of the Game of Thrones prequel series, as he joins Rhaenyra’s Game RantVermithor's Importance In House Of The Dragon, Explained - Game WEBFeb 3, 2024· Hugh the Hammer, or simply Hugh Hammer, is described as a "Blacksmith's bastard" in lore, and he is due to claim Vermithor in House of the Dragon season 2. Hugh responds to Prince Jacaerys Screen RantVermithor Setup In House Of The Dragon Season 2, Episode 2 WEBJun 25, 2024· Hugh Hammer is one of the many new characters in House of the Dragon season 2, and he's been subtle enough that audiences might've missed him.In episode 1, he appears before Aegon II in the throne room to request aid for the blacksmiths of King's Landing.It's revealed that he's been helping build scorpions (artillery for shooting dragons) The EscapistHouse of the Dragon: Who Was Hugh Hammer's Mother? - The WEBJul 30, 2024· House of the Dragon Season 2’s latest installment, “The Red Sowing,” sheds new light on Hugh Hammer’s parentage – specifically, his mom’s identity.So, who was Hugh’s mother according Edinburgh NewsHere's who Henry Cavill could play in House of the DragonWEBNov 22, 2022· Let’s have a look at the best characters Cavill could play in The House of the Dragon. He would make a fantastic Targaryen. Hugh Hammer is a dragonseed, a Targaryen bastard from Dragonstone TIMEAll of Rhaenyra's New Dragonriders from Ulf to Hugh to AddamWEBJul 30, 2024· Another suspiciously blonde character that House of the Dragon introduced early in Season 2 was Hugh Hammer, a blacksmith who is done dirty by King Aegon II. Early in the season, Hugh points out Decider‘House of the Dragon’ Star Kieran Bew Says Hugh the Hammer and WEBJul 29, 2024· Earlier in House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 “The Red Sowing,” Hugh revealed to his wife Kat (Ellora Torchia) that he’s been lying about his heritage all these years. Instead of being a Radio TimesWho is Hugh Hammer in House of the Dragon? Kieran Bew WEBJul 29, 2024· As House of the Dragon season 2 nears its end, Hugh Hammer, played by Kieran Bew, has become a lot more important. While fans' attention may have been on the brutal Blood and Cheese scene, Hugh Screen RantHouse Of The Dragon Season 2's 8 New Characters ExplainedWEBJun 15, 2024· House of the Dragon season 2 focuses on the Dance of the Dragons civil war with new important characters joining factions. Important new additions include dragonseeds, including Alyn and Addam of Hull, as potential dragonriders. Cregan Stark, Hugh Hammer, and Ulf White are key characters in the unfolding conflict.PaginationForbesWho Are House Of The Dragon’s Dragonseeds And Why Do TheyJul 22, 2024R Hugh Hammer. Credit: HBO. In the books, Hugh Hammer was a blacksmith on Dragonstone, but in the show we see him in King’s Landing where he first shows up to ask King Aegon (Tom Glynn-Carney) for InverseHouse of the Dragon is Still Missing One Major Character - InverseJul 8, 2024R Nettles, who rides her dragon Sheepstealer; Addam of Hull, who claims Seasmoke (formerly the dragon of Laenor Velaryon) Hugh Hammer, who claims the bronze dragon Vermithor; Ulf White, who takes ComingSoon.netHouse of the Dragon: Who Is Hugh Hammer & Why Is Jun 24, 2024R Here is everything you need to know about Hugh Hammer and the role he will play in the coming war in House of the Dragon Season 2. Who is Hugh Hammer in House of the Dragon Season 2?GamesRadar+Who is Hugh Hammer’s mother in House of the DragonJul 29, 2024R House of the Dragon season 2 continues weekly on HBO in the US and Sky and NOW in the UK. For more on the show, check out our deep dives on: House of the Dragon season 2, episodes 1-4 reviewDecider‘House of the Dragon’ Star Kieran Bew Says Hugh the Hammer and Jul 29, 2024R Earlier in House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 “The Red Sowing,” Hugh revealed to his wife Kat (Ellora Torchia) that he’s been lying about his heritage all these years. Instead of being a MSNWho Is Hugh Hammer? House Of The Dragon's BlacksmithHugh Hammer, a smith in House of the Dragon, plays a significant role by claiming the dragon Vermithor in the upcoming war. Starting on Team Black, Hugh later joins Team Green but meets his demise YouTubeHugh Hammer and the prophecy - House of the Dragon Character Watch video6:33Jun 18, 2024R Who is Hugh Hammer and what is the prophecy around him? Who are the Dragonseeds. We meet a few in the first episode of season 2 of House of the Dragon. WhicAuthor: Splash Page VideoViews: 26.1KEdinburgh NewsHere's who Henry Cavill could play in House of the DragonNov 22, 2022R Let’s have a look at the best characters Cavill could play in The House of the Dragon. He would make a fantastic Targaryen. Hugh Hammer is a dragonseed, a Targaryen bastard from Dragonstone Winter is ComingFirst look at Nettles and the dragonseeds in House of the Dragon Jun 22, 2023R The figure to the left of maybe-Nettles may be Hugh Hammer, who rides the dragon Vermithor (remember that Daemon visited Vermithor in the season 1 finale). Fire & Blood describes Hugh as big Screen RantHouse Of The Dragon Season 2's 8 New Characters ExplainedJun 15, 2024R House of the Dragon season 2 focuses on the Dance of the Dragons civil war with new important characters joining factions. Important new additions include dragonseeds, including Alyn and Addam of Hull, as potential dragonriders. Cregan Stark, Hugh Hammer, and Ulf White are key characters in the unfolding conflict.TIME'House of the Dragon' Season 2: Meet the New Characters | TIMEJun 11, 2024R Read More: What to Remember About the War Between the Greens and Blacks Before House of the Dragon Season 2. Hugh Hammer and Ulf the White. (Mark Stobbart) will play a grisly role in that plot.MSNWho Is Hugh Hammer, the Blacksmith, in 'House of the DragonHugh the Hammer might seem like just a blacksmith but he plays a crucial role in the civil war. Hugh's lineage as a dragonseed grants him the ability to mount a dragon during the conflict.TIMEAll of Rhaenyra's New Dragonriders from Ulf to Hugh to AddamJul 30, 2024R Another suspiciously blonde character that House of the Dragon introduced early in Season 2 was Hugh Hammer, a blacksmith who is done dirty by King Aegon II. Early in the season, Hugh points out PolygonHouse of the Dragon’s Hugh, Ulf, Addam, and Alyn have one big Jul 22, 2024R Hugh is the blacksmith who asked Aegon for extra money for the smiths in season 2’s first episode — just after Aegon heard the complaint from the farmer.PaginationInverseHouse of the Dragon is Still Missing One Major Character - Inverse
AccessJul 8, 2024R Nettles, who rides her dragon Sheepstealer; Addam of Hull, who claims Seasmoke (formerly the dragon of Laenor Velaryon) Hugh Hammer, who claims the bronze dragon Vermithor; Ulf White, who takes Screen RantHouse Of The Dragon Season 2's 8 New Characters Jun 15, 2024R House of the Dragon season 2 focuses on the Dance of the Dragons civil war with new important characters joining factions. Important new additions include dragonseeds, including Alyn and Addam of Hull, as potential PolygonHouse of the Dragon actor wanted to match his dragon - PolygonAug 4, 2024R HBO’s House of the Dragon season 2 has its finale tonight, and Kieran Bew (who plays Hugh Hammer) wanted to make sure he looked like a proper rider for VermithorForbesWho Are House Of The Dragon’s Dragonseeds And Why Do TheyJul 22, 2024R Hugh Hammer. Credit: HBO. In the books, Hugh Hammer was a blacksmith on Dragonstone, but in the show we see him in King’s Landing where he first shows up to ask King Aegon (Tom Glynn-Carney) for Entertainment WeeklyHouse of the Dragon season finale: Vermithor explainedOct 24, 2022R The dragon Vermithor snarls at Prince Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith) in the 'House of the Dragon' season 1 finale. HBO. Vermithor, dubbed the Bronze Fury, is almost 100 years old, according to MSNWho Is Hugh Hammer? House Of The Dragon's BlacksmithHugh Hammer, a smith in House of the Dragon, plays a significant role by claiming the dragon Vermithor in the upcoming war. Starting on Team Black, Hugh later joins Team Green but meets his demise Edinburgh NewsHere's who Henry Cavill could play in House of the DragonNov 22, 2022R Let’s have a look at the best characters Cavill could play in The House of the Dragon. He would make a fantastic Targaryen. Hugh Hammer is a dragonseed, a Targaryen bastard from Dragonstone Screen RantVermithor Choosing Hugh Hammer In House Of The Dragon Jul 29, 2024R House of the Dragon star Kieran Bew explains why Vermithor chooses Hugh Hammer in season 2, episode 7. The hit Game of Thrones spinoff returned for season 2 earlier this summer, introducing a handful of new characters as the war between the Greens and the Blacks intensifies. Bew's Hugh has remained a character on the sidelines for the past few Decider‘House of the Dragon’ Star Kieran Bew Says Hugh the Hammer and Jul 29, 2024R Earlier in House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 “The Red Sowing,” Hugh revealed to his wife Kat (Ellora Torchia) that he’s been lying about his heritage all these years. Instead of being a MSNWho is Hugh Hammer’s mother in House of the Dragon? Rhaenyra Warning, major spoilers for House of the Dragon season 2, episode 7 follow, so make sure you are all caught up with the series before reading on.. The penultimate episode saw Rhaenyra round up all Yahoo7 New ‘House of the Dragon’ Season 2 Characters to WatchJul 14, 2024R Many new faces have big parts to play in the HBO series going forward The post 7 New ‘House of the Dragon’ Season 2 Characters to Watch Closely appeared first on TheWrap.TIMEAll of Rhaenyra's New Dragonriders from Ulf to Hugh to AddamJul 30, 2024R Another suspiciously blonde character that House of the Dragon introduced early in Season 2 was Hugh Hammer, a blacksmith who is done dirty by King Aegon II. Early in the season, Hugh points out MSNHugh Hammer claiming a dragon in House of the Dragon is way Warning, major spoilers for House of the Dragon season 2, episode 7 follow, so make sure you are all caught up with the series before reading on.. During the penultimate episode, Hugh Hammer YahooWho is Hugh Hammer’s mother in House of the Dragon? Rhaenyra Jul 29, 2024R Kieran Bew as Hugh Hammer in House of the Dragon season 2 In Martin’s Fire and Blood, Princess Saera Targaryen was the ninth child of King Jaehaerys I and Queen Alysanne.Pagination