Published: 02/2025
Performing this technique Gogeta first catches his opponent off guard then he puts one hand in the air and forms a baseballStardust Breaker | Dragon Ball Wiki | FandomUsage. Super Gogeta uses the Stardust Breaker to obliterate Janemba. In Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, Gogeta uses this attack to defeat Janemba. While Pikkon is fighting Janemba, only to be defeated by the monster, Goku and Vegeta successfully perform the Fusion Dance to fuse into Gogeta. See moreOverview
VisitGogeta uses Punisher Drive to barrage the opponent with a series of prismatic blows, using Rapid Movementto dash behind them and turn to deliver two hard knees to the back of their head/neck, finishing the preceding rush with a backflipping kick. After landing on the See moreVariations1. Fusion Warriors from Beyond Unit Stardust Breaker Stardust Breaker | Dragon Universe Wiki | FandomWEBThe Stardust Breaker is a Ki Manipulation Technique of Gogeta In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta uses the Stardust Breaker after avoiding Broly's Gigantic Breath, blasting him in the back several times Tags:Dragon Ball BreakerGogeta Blue Stardust BreakerYouTubeEvolution of Stardust Breaker (Gogeta) Stardust Breaker Stardust Breaker | Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki | FandomWEBAfter Gogeta (SSGSS) connects with God Punisher, for 1 extra ki gauge he can unleash the Stardust Breaker, a rainbow sphere of energy that causes an explosion on hit.
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