Published: 02/2025
It is first attested from truck driver slang in America in the early 1960s, where the ‘hammer’ is slang for the accelerator.Put the hammer down put the hammer downApr 3, 2022thefreedictionary.comWatch video on YouTube3:02Understanding "Hammer Time": An English Idiom Explained162 views7 months agoYouTubeEnglish Mastery with Language.Watch video3:28Unveiling the Meaning Behind "Put the Hammer Down"21 views5 months agoYouTubeLearn English with Language.FoWatch video0:37What does put the hammer down mean?36 viewsAug 8, 2018YouTubeWhat Does That Mean?Watch video on thefreedictionary.comgo under the hammerApr 3, 2022thefreedictionary.comWatch video on YouTube1:36Put The Hammer Down Comedy scene Understanding "put the hammer down" Idiom: Meaning, OriginsWEBThe phrase “put the hammer down” is a common idiom in English that refers to taking decisive action or making a strong effort. While its exact origins are unclear, it likely has YouTubeUnveiling the Meaning Behind "Put the Hammer Down" Definitions & examples for the idiom: put the hammer downWEBAfter several warnings, the teacher finally put the hammer down and gave detention to the misbehaving students. 4 The coach put the hammer down and pushed the team to give put the hammer down originbring the hammer down meaningbringing down the hammerlaying the hammer downputting the hammer down meaningput the hammer down youtubeMorePeople also search forput the hammer down originbringing down the hammerputting the hammer down meaningbring the hammer down meaninglaying the hammer downput the hammer down youtube put the hammer down idiom originput the hammer down originbring the hammer down meaningbringing down the hammerlaying the hammer downputting the hammer down meaningput the hammer down youtubePaginationcrossidiomas.comUnderstanding the Idiom: "bring down the hammer" Drop the Hammer on Someone: Definition, Meaning, and OriginWEBAug 21, 2023· They're waiting for the right moment to drop the hammer on the opposition. The principal dropped the hammer on the students involved in the prank. The regulators dropped the hammer on the fraudulent company with a hefty fine. When enforcing discipline, he's known to drop the hammer without hesitation. I couldn't bear it, so I WordReference Forumsput the hammer down | WordReference ForumsWEBJan 27, 2008· A: ***Put the hammer down.*** B: I don't have to put the hammer down, beacause if I put the hammer down every time I made a big deal of it happening, I'd have a lot of hammers down in the world. This is another thing that happened. And it's just time to move on. Could anyone explain what "put the hammer down" means here, please? Thanks Your DictionaryPutHit the Nail on the Head: Definition, Meaning, and Origin Definitions & examples for the idiom: put the hammer downWEBThe coach put the hammer down and pushed the team to give their best performance. 5 In order to meet the deadline, the graphic designer put the hammer down and worked through the weekend.Urban DictionaryUrban Dictionary: put the hammer downWEB1)A term truck drivers use meaning accelerate to maximum speed, or terminal velocity, which ever is faster. 2)Common uses by passenger vehicle drivers are pedal to the metal and floor itWordReference ForumsBring the hammer down versus put the hammer downWEBMay 4, 2021· If the BBC put the hammer down, it means that they have stopped using it. This suggests that they had been employing it as a weapon to bludgeon their opponents into submission. If they brought the hammer down, this suggests that they banged a gavel on a table to signal the end of a transaction such as a sale or a judgement. Which is the UrduPointPut The Hammer Down Meaning - Idiom Dictionary: UrduPoint
ReadWEBMeaning of Put The Hammer Down. Put The Hammer Down is an idiom. It is one of the most commonly used expressions in English writings. Put The Hammer Down stands for (idiomatic) To drive quickly; to step on the accelerator.PaginationWordDB.comDefinitions & examples for the idiom: put the hammer downThe coach put the hammer down and pushed the team to give their best performance. 5 In order to meet the deadline, the graphic designer put the hammer down and worked through the weekend. Urban DictionaryUrban Dictionary: put the hammer down1)A term truck drivers use meaning accelerate to maximum speed, or terminal velocity, which ever is faster. 2)Common uses by passenger vehicle drivers are pedal to the metal and floor itWordReference ForumsBring the hammer down versus put the hammer downMay 4, 2021R If the BBC put the hammer down, it means that they have stopped using it. This suggests that they had been employing it as a weapon to bludgeon their opponents into submission. If they brought the hammer down, this suggests that they banged a gavel on a table to signal the end of a transaction such as a sale or a judgement. Which is the intended meaning UrduPointPut The Hammer Down Meaning Understanding the Idiom: "put down" - Meaning, Origins, and UsageCommon Mistakes to Avoid When Using the Idiom “put down” When using idioms in English, it is important to understand their meaning and usage. The idiom “put down” can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. However, there are some common mistakes that people make when using this idiom.PaginationCambridge DictionaryHAMMER SOMETHING OUT 'Go Under The Hammer' Meaning If you have a question about idioms, ask us about it in our Idioms Discussion Forum. If you know of an idiom that you would like to be listed here, please use our online form to suggest an idiom. See also: View examples in Google: Go under the hammer; Idiom QuizzesThe Free DictionaryBring the Hammer Down Understanding the Idiom: "put down" Phrases that contain the word: put the hammer downLooking for phrases related to the word put the hammer down? Find a list of matching phrases on! The Web's largest and most authoritative phrases and idioms resource. We've found 1,223 phrases and idioms matching put the hammer down. Sort: Relevancy A Understanding "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down" Idiom Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using the Idiom “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down” When using idioms, it is important to understand their meaning and context. The idiom “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down” suggests that those who stand out or are different from the norm will be punished or criticized for their YouTubeUnveiling the Meaning Behind "Put the Hammer Down" Nail in the Coffin: Definition, Meaning, and Origin
CheckSep 17, 2023R The idiom "nail in the coffin" is based on the literal meaning of a nail hammered into a coffin to close it. When a casket is nailed shut, the person inside dies and cannot return to life . Therefore, metaphorically, a nail in the coffin emphasizes that something is the ultimate or most decisive factor that causes the end or failure of Pagination