Published: 02/2025
Commander David ScottAccording to 2 sourcesAt the end of the last Apollo 15 moon walk, Commander David Scott (pictured above) performed a live demonstration for the television cameras. He held out a geologic hammer and a feather and dropped them at the same time.Apollo 15 Hammer-Feather This is exactly what happened during the Apollo 15 lunar mission in 1971. Commander David Scott took a hammer and an eagle feather and dropped them onto the lunar regolith.The Greatest Physics Demo FeedbackLoading
InfoFeedbackThanks!Tell us moreLet's Chat People also askDid David Scott drop a hammer and a feather?The Apollo 15 Hammer-Feather At the end of the last Apollo 15 moon walk, Commander David Scott (pictured above) performed a live demonstration for the television cameras. He held out a geologic hammer and a feather and dropped them at the same time.The Apollo 15 Hammer-Feather Drop - NASA ScienceWhy did Galileo drop a hammer & feather on the Moon?Please try again later. Here's the famous footage of the Apollo 15 astronaut that dropped a hammer & feather on the moon to prove Galileo's theory that in the absence of atmosphere, objects will fall at the same rate regardless of mass. There has been much debate over the years on whether this footage is real, or was faked in a studio.Feather & Hammer Drop on Moon - YouTubeWho conducted the hammer/feather drop experiment?See also: high-resolution video of the experiment from NASA, and a mathematical discussion of the physics involved. (Via In 1971, astronaut David Scott conducted Galileo's famous hammer/feather drop experiment on the moon, during the Apollo 15 mission.Hammer and Feather Drop on the Moon - Mental FlossWhen did Galileo hammer & feather drop experiment take place?(Via In 1971, astronaut David Scott conducted Galileo's famous hammer/feather drop experiment on the moon, during the Apollo 15 mission. Galileo had concluded that all objects, regardless of mass, fall at the same speed -- however, the resistance caused by thHammer and Feather Drop on the Moon - Mental FlossFeedback YouTubeFeather & Hammer Drop on Moon - YouTubeWatch video0:48WEBJul 5, 2006R Here's the famous footage of the Apollo 15 astronaut David Scott who dropped a hammer & feather on the moon to prove Galileo's theory that in the absence of atmosphere, objects will fall atTags:David Scott Astronaut Hammer FeatherApollo Moon Video NasaApollo 15 Footage YouTubeDavid Scott does the feather hammer experiment on the moonWatch video0:52WEBJul 15, 2019R During Apollo 15, astronaut David Scott dropped a feather (in his left hand) and a hammer (in his right) to show that objects, regardless of mass, fall at the same rate in a vacuum.Author: Science NewsViews: 411.5KYouTubeHammer and feather drop on moon - YouTubeWatch video0:50WEBMay 28, 2019R In 1971, astronaut David Scott re-created Galileo's famous experiment on the moon by dropping a hammer and a feather simultaneously.
JoinTags:Hammer and Feather Drop On MoonDavid Scott Astronaut Hammer FeatherScience Mission DirectorateThe Apollo 15 Hammer-Feather Drop - NASA ScienceWEBJuly 16, 2018. At the end of the last Apollo 15 moon walk, Commander David Scott (pictured above) performed a live demonstration for the television cameras. He held out a geologic Tags:Hammer and FeatherDavid ScottApollo 15Apollo TheaterNSSDCAApollo 15 Hammer-Feather Drop - NSSDCAWEBMar 31, 2023R The Apollo 15 Hammer-Feather Drop. 4 Mb MP4 movie of the demonstration. At the end of the last Apollo 15 moon walk, Commander David Scott (pictured above) performed a live demonstration for the Tags:David ScottApollo 15Feather and Hammer DropBritannicaNewton's law of gravitation: Apollo 15 gravitation experimentWatch video1:23WEBAug 2, 1971R Apollo 15 commander David Scott dropping a 1.32-kg (2.91-pound) aluminum geological hammer and a 0.03-kg (0.07-pound) falcon feather on the surface of the Moon and proving that objects undergo the same acceleration in gravity, August 2, 1971.Tags:Hammer and FeatherDropping Feather On MoonApollo 15 Gravitation ExperimentArchiveFeather & Hammer Drop On Moon : NASA - Archive.orgWEBOct 3, 2015R Feather & Hammer Drop On Moon. Famous footage of the Apollo 15 astronaut that dropped a hammer and feather on the moon to prove Galileo's theory that in the Tags:Hammer and Feather Drop On MoonApollo ProgramMoon LandingsCNETWhat happens when you drop a feather and a hammer on the moon?WEB2 min read. Buzz Aldrin on the moon, 1969, NASA. Say you have two objects: a billiard ball and a feather. You drop both from the same height at the same time. You lay odds on the Tags:Hammer and Feather Drop On MoonNASAWIREDThe Greatest Physics Demo of All Time Happened on WEBFeb 11, 2022R Commander David Scott took a hammer and an eagle feather and dropped them onto the lunar regolith. Here's what happened:Tags:Hammer and FeatherDavid ScottMental FlossHammer and Feather Drop on the Moon | Mental FlossWEBEver since the hammer/feather drop in 1971, moon-hoax conspiracy theorists have been trying to prove that this footage was faked. Here's one video that claims to disprove Tags:Hammer and Feather Drop On MoonNASAdave scott fallen astronaut photohammer and feather drop explainedgalileo feather and hammer theoryapollo 15 feather hammer dropfamouns experiments on moonapollo 15 hammer and featherfeather and ball moon experimentdave scott apollo 15MorePeople also search fordave scott fallen astronaut photogalileo feather and hammer theoryfamouns experiments on moonhammer and feather drop explainedapollo 15 feather hammer dropapollo 15 hammer and feather man on moon dropping hammer and featherdave scott fallen astronaut photohammer and feather drop explainedgalileo feather and hammer theoryapollo 15 feather hammer dropfamouns experiments on moonapollo 15 hammer and featherfeather and ball moon experimentdave scott apollo 15Pagination