Published: 02/2025
84659500The HS code for a hammer drill machine is 846595001. It falls under the category of machine FlexportHS Code 846721 ZaubaHammer Drill Bits Imports Under Sub Chapter 8467 Tags:HammerDrill bitHTS CODEHTS CODE, HTS CODES, harmonized tariff scheduleWEBRotary drill, hammer and chiseling tools with selfHS Codes | hammer drill | Harmonised Code | Harmonize Tariff CodeWEBSearched for: hammer drill. hammer drill HS is specialize in providing harmonized tariff numbers and commodity codes. Visit us online to get the various hs Tags:HammerCODEHarmonized Tariff Schedule SearchHarmonized Tariff ScheduleWEBThe Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) sets out the tariff rates and statistical categories for all merchandise imported into the United States. The HTS is Descartes DatamyneHTS Code 8467.21.0010 Electric Hand Drills, Rotary, Battery WEBHTS Code: 8467.21.0010 HS Code 84672110 HS Code 84672191 - Electropneumatic Drills for Hand Use - Tariff
SeeWEB- Cordless Electropneumatic Hammer Drill for construction sites (18V, 1.5kg) - Electropneumatic Rotary Hammer for heavy-duty drilling (1100W, 3kg) - Electropneumatic Tags:HammerCODErotary hammer drill hs code8467.21.0070 hts codehts code for hand drillshs code 84672110 manualhs code 84672110hs code for drilling machinehs code for drill chuckdrill bit import hsn codeMorePeople also search forrotary hammer drill hs code8467.21.0070 hts codehts code for hand drillshs code 84672110 manualhs code 84672110hs code for drilling machine hs code for hammer drillrotary hammer drill hs code8467.21.0070 hts codehts code for hand drillshs code 84672110 manualhs code 84672110hs code for drilling machinehs code for drill chuckdrill bit import hsn codePagination