Published: 02/2025
Metallica – And Justice for All Lyrics | Genius Tags:Metallica and Justice For All Lyricsand Justice for AllAnd Justice for AllHalls of justice painted green, money talkingPower wolves beset your door, hear them stalkingSoon you'll please their appetite, they devourHammer of justice crushes you, overpowerSee more AZLyricsMetallica WEBPower wolves beset your door. Hear them stalking. Soon you’ll please their appetite. They devour. Hammer of justice crushes you. Overpower. The ultimate in vanity. Exploiting Metallica.comMetallica Song Catalog: And Justice for AllWEBLyrics. Halls of justice painted green. Money talking. Power wolves beset your door. Hear them stalking. Soon you’ll please their appetite. They devour. Hammer of justice crushes you. Overpower. The ultimate in SongMeaningsMetallica METALLICA WEBPower wolves beset your door. Hear them stalking. Soon you'll please their appetite. They devour. Hammer of justice crushes you. Overpower. The ultimate in vanity. Exploiting Tags:and Justice for AllJustice For All Lyrics MetallicaLyrics TranslateMetallica - And Justice for All lyrics - Lyrics TranslateWEBAnd Justice for All lyrics. [Verse 1] Halls of justice painted green, money talking. Power wolves beset your door, hear them stalking. Soon you'll please their appetite they devour.
TryTags:Metallica and Justice For All LyricsHalls of Justice Painted GreenPagination