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2024 Hammer Curl Target Muscles

Published: 02/2025
Hammer curls are an exercise that targets the upper and lower arm muscles, especially the brachialis and brachioradialis12345. These muscles are involved in elbow flexion and forearm rotationView234. Hammer curls can also improve grip strength and forearm development145, which can benefit other lifts and movements1Explore5. Hammer curls are performed with a neutral grip, meaning the palms face each other245.Learn more:✕This summary was generated using AI based on multiple online sources. To view the original source information, use the "Learn more" links.1How to Do Hammer Curls — Benefits, Variatibarbend.com2Hammer Curls: Benefits, Muscles inspireusafoun3Cable Hammer Curl: Muscle Worked, Benefifitliferegime.com4How to Do Hammer Curls & What Do Hammoldschoollabs.com5Hammer Curls vs Bicep Curls: Whicliftvault.comThe hammer curl targets the upper and lower arm muscles — most notably the brachialis and brachioradialis — and can reinforce a stronger grip for deadlifts, pulling, and other strength and power movements.How to Do Hammer Curls — Benefits, VarThe hammer curls primarily work two main muscle groups; the biceps brachii along the front of the upper arm, as well as the brachialisContentCross20 Hammer Curl Variations For Maximising Arm Mass How to Do Hammer Curls & What Do Hammer Curls Work How To Master The Hammer Curl: The Secret To Bigger Armsweighttraining.guideDumbbell hammer curl exercise guide and video | Weight Training Guidefitnessvolt.comCrossbody Hammer Curl: Strengthen Your Biceps and Forearms – Fitness VoltSee allSee all imagesATHLEANTags:CurlMark ColemanFitFrekWhat Muscles Do Hammer Curls Work? A Complete GuideWEBNov 9, 2023R Hammer curls target multiple muscles in your arm, primarily focusing on the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis. Biceps Brachii: The goThe Ultimate Guide To Hammer Curls: Benefits, Form, TipsWEBHammer curls target this muscle specifically, making them an effective exercise for building strong arms. Hammer curls also target the long head of the bicep, helping to develop Tags:FormBenefitsdumbbell hammer curls muscles workedmuscles worked by hammer curlswhat does hammer curls hitdumbbell bicep curls muscles workedincline hammer curls muscles workeddo hammer curls hit brachialishammer curls vs concentrationhammer curl diagramMorePeople also search fordumbbell hammer curls muscles workedwhat does hammer curls hitincline hammer curls muscles workedmuscles worked by hammer curlsdumbbell bicep curls muscles workeddo hammer curls hit brachialis hammer curl target musclesdumbbell hammer curls muscles workedmuscles worked by hammer curlswhat does hammer curls hitdumbbell bicep curls muscles workedincline hammer curls muscles workeddo hammer curls hit brachialishammer curls vs concentrationhammer curl diagramPagination


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